Ep. 754 – Memory Issues
Have we used this title before? This week's location: Luna And The Bear
LISTEN HEREEvan and Dave sit down at one of the many fine eating and drinking establishments in the Twin Cities to discuss the world. All topics are fair game, from pop culture to lifestyles to philosophy to bacon. Mmm bacon.Think the View, but with guys, beer, food, and swearing.
Have we used this title before? This week's location: Luna And The Bear
LISTEN HEREHoi chummer. (Yeah I know it's a different franchise but....elves....) This week's location: Tea House
LISTEN HEREI'm just proud we didn't make a Jimmy "JJ" Walker reference. This week's location: Good Times Pizza
LISTEN HERENothing says "fun fair food" like "third degree burns". This week's location: Schuller's Tavern
LISTEN HEREThere's death marches and then there's death marches. This week's location: Little Tijuana
LISTEN HERELive from the decrepit haunted house that is modern living. This episode's location: El Burrito Mercado
LISTEN HEREAnd even typing the definition of the "Pelican Rapids" gets your computer taken away. This week's location: Namaste Cafe
LISTEN HEREAre we talking about hummus or the hosts? This week's location: Baba's Cafe
LISTEN HEREA 40+ year phase, but we might grow out of it sometime. This week's location: Potsticker
LISTEN HEREApplying for grant funding now. This week's location: Hodge Podge at Forgotten Star Brewery.