Extra Life Charity – Scheduling Nightmare Edition
As you may remember, we mentioned that Yet Another Gaming Show would be participating in the Extra Life charity to raise money for pediatric cancer. This involves a 24 hour gaming marathon to take place on October 18th. Regular listeners of the show should know we have a hard enough time getting all of us together for just a few hours a week, so alas we will not be participating in the actual gaming event.
That said, we would still like to do our part. So, if you sponsor Jim Sterling (of Destructoid fame) in his bid to raise $5000, Fancy Pants Gangsters will match any donations given. Just be sure to either leave some mention of Fancy Pants Gangsters or YAGS in the comments on the charity page or email me at evan@webdev2.801red.com so I know what the final check should be.
You have until Saturday morning, so do not delay! Go here now!