
A Blast Of Hot Song!

So we’ve got a new show called Hot Song. It’s about great songs and features former Blogulator Radio host Chris Polley talking about said songs with buddy and fellow music head Daniel Wipert.

The thing is, the hosts simply could not wait until Evan got around to preparing the website properly for their arrival, so they went and made a few episodes without asking. While they do need to learn a lesson about who’s name is on the Fancy Pants letterhead, it would be a shame to waste the episodes by not releasing them. So here you go! More details on Monday, once Evan’s discipline arm has rested.

Episode 1

Dan and Chris argue about country music and what makes an indie rock song special, sharing two new songs from emerging artists on their playlists. Songs over-analyzed on this episode include Emily Reid’s “Be Your Last” & Twerps’ “I Don’t Mind.”
Dan and Chris argue about pirate kitsch and experimental electronic music, sharing two new songs from established artists on their playlists. Songs over-analyzed on this episode include The Decemberists’ “A Beginning Song” & Mount Eerie’s “This.”
Dan and Chris argue about 90s alt-rock and the best bands of their youth finally getting their due, sharing two fave songs from playlist mainstays that have recently reunited. Songs over-analyzed on this episode include Swervedriver’s “The Hitcher” & 12 Rods’ “Accidents Waiting to Happen.”