
Well Fed Guide To Life Episode 60 – Yer Gonna Get…The Comacho Cannon!

Yes I know Macho Comacho is a boxer but we reference a professional wrestling move in the title. And I don’t care.

Special guests about this week, as The F.I.L.M. Army’s Jay takes over for a battered and weak Dave. But that’s not all, kids, oh no sir. The Well Fed crew is double stuffed today, as we welcome Jim Norton and KatieCannon (she doesn’t spell it funny, you just have to say it that fast) from Heavy on our humble little show.

Heavy Table has been brought up several times on the show before, so it’s nice to get the straight scoop from the people who provide the content that makes the site so damn appealing. Plus it’s always fun to make fools of yourselves in front of talented people.

Location: Sen Yai Sen Lek

The Well Fed Guide To Life is brought to you in part by The Four Firkins specialty beer store

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