The Well Fed Guide To Life Episode 138 – Family Togetherness
No this episode does not feature either Evan or Dave’s families, at least not in person. This is the show were the gentlemen reminisce about Sears catalogs, possibly mythical and most certainly awesome transforming robots, and the rules and traditions surrounding that most holy of food holidays, Thanksgiving (nevermind Evan’s heretical leanings on the subject). All this under the basking glow of El Taco Riendo, which according to the internets means The Laughing Taco. And while there is no sad person in a large foam taco outfit leering in the background, there is authentic Mexican food by the pile, which is the appropriate unit of measure for all foods.
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The Well Fed Guide to Life is now available on the free Stitcher app for your better smart phones. Nothing goes better with meat by the pile than instant streaming podcasts.
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