
So you want to join the F.I.L.M. Army…

Have you ever wanted to send something in to the F.I.L.M. Army? A review or maybe a commentary on cinema or DVDs? Maybe a rant or even a recommendation? Here’s how:

Get yourself Audacity (free) and a microphone (not free, but you should already have a microphone for all the Chat Roulette you are doing). Record something anywhere between 3 and 15 minutes (some exceptions will be made beyond these limits, but they better be damn good). Save the file in the audio format of your choice (mp3 preferred) and send it to with your name and a description of the what your segment is about. If we use your segment, you’ll get your name on the show and a $25 Amazon gift certificate for your troubles.

We do reserve the right to edit your segment for content, clarity, and timing, so don’t get all uppity if we cut it down a bit. We promise to be gentle.

Deadline for submissions is the 25th of each month, so be sure to get your segment in on time. The earlier the better.

Any questions, feel free to email us or leave them in the comments.