
Welcome To Fancy Pants Gangsters 2.0!

After months of toil and my demands driving nearly 3 different coders and designers insane, we finally have a new, updated version of the Fancy Pants Gangsters site.

As you can tell the most notable update is the fancy new home page. We think that this will give us the professional appearance that our shows clearly do not. Perhaps less noticeable, at least for now, is the host blogs. We felt that several hours a week on your mp3 player wasn’t enough time to inundate you with our half-mad screeds, so I provided a space for all the Fancy Pants Gangsters to put their thoughts in a legally admissible manner.

Just a quick note, the Fancy Pants Gangsters Master Feed will not contain any host blogs, just all of the Fancy Pants Gangsters shows. We are working on a feed for the host blogs, and perhaps even a per-host feed, so stay tuned on that.

You’ll probably notice a few weird images or broken links around the site in the next week or so. Due mostly to a combination of my perfectionism and my “you know what would be cool” feature-adding ability as well as Ashley’s much needed absence on vacation has caused some images to not appear yet. We are working on this issue, so please be patient. If you do see anything that you think we missed, don’t hesitate to email me at

Speaking on Ashley, I want to take this opportunity to thank her for all her hard work designing the site. She managed to take my scribbles and half-assed descriptions and weave them into a site that I am really proud of. Further kudos goes to Andrew Kaiser of Angstrom Systems for doing the vast majority of coding for the site. Those of you code checkers should know that most of the bad code was my doing, so don’t blame Andrew. If you want to see what he can do without me bugging him, check out

I hope you guys like the new site, and I hope you continue supporting us by checking out all our shows and telling your friends about your favorites. Despite everything else, you guys have made Fancy Pants Gangsters worth all the headaches.


Pants Commander