
Well Fed Guide Delayed, Loyal Listeners offered consolation prize

Due to technical issue beyond our control (actually I just left the file in Dave’s car) this week’s episode of The Well Fed Guide To Life will be delayed until tomorrow. Strangely enough, Wednesday is also the day we are debuting our newest show, Robots With Tears.

It’s kinda hard to explain, but I’ll give it a shot. 5 baby robots are transported back in time to Victorian days and raised as humans. Teenage drama, 17th century poetry, and frilly dresses combine to make an incredibly odd radio drama. Imagine if Dawson’s Creek was written by Oscar Wilde and Isaac Asimov, and you’ve got a rough idea.

To give you an small byte (Ha! Get it? It’s because they are robots), heres a short sample of the first episode. If you are suitably warped, you should like it. Here’s hoping our listeners are as brain addled as our testing indicates.